Copyright information (this section will be prettied up later!)
My personal works (made by me, for me): Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 to the fullest extent possible. (Fan works may not be able to be licensed)
Character designs shared under the f2ucharacters brand: CC-BY-NC 4.0, with sublicensing available (full information on the f2u characters page)
Art I make for others (eg. gift art or commissions): The recipient owns all rights, except for the merchandising rights.
Designs I make for others (eg. customs or adoptables): The recipient owns all rights to the design (not the art piece that displays the design).
I claim no copyright over the code structure, because i stole most of it anyways. However the text and image contents displayed on the website count as personal works (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)