Purple is an entity which connects reality and the fictional world of Randomia. Also known as: my "persona", or mascot.

Vital Stats
NamePurple (is not a Color)
BirthdayApril 27


Purple is a humanoid with thick limbs & a large, spherical head. They are short and have neotenic proprtions for a humanoid, with an average height of around a meter.

One of Purple's most noticeable features is their purple head, contrasting against a fully white body. They have round white eyes with ring-like pupils, and their mouth is a dark empty orifice with fanged teeth.

Purple is notably a shapeshifter, made entirely of a clay or putty like substance which they can manipulate. An example is their fingers, which are not always present but appear when grabbing, emoting, or just for fun. Their shape is pliable, but will not yield if they are resisting. They may generate eyes anywhere on the purple segments, but as mentioned above, their mouth is fake.

Purple has the strange ability to create a limited amount of black, obsidian-like substance. Much like their body, purple can shape it into any form.


Purple lives in a location called "the void" (named after The Void of the titular story, due to Purple's interest in the subject). Purple's void is currently taking on a fully white appearance however it can look like anything.

the void is made of a substance which can "become" or mimic any other substance. This allows purple (or anyone else who managed to enter) to create objects out of the void, such as furniture or electronics. Purple has currently shaped the void to appear all white, with even lighting & a flat infinite floor.

Purple has never inhabited another habitat and knows how to exploit the void to express any idea. Within the void Purple has no limit to their shapeshifting; by incporporating the Voids mass to their own, they can gain any size, texture, or color!. However if they by any means managed to escape their dimension, Purple wuold have greatly reduced abilities, with a size limit and the need to practice to maintain more complex or unfamiliar shapes.


The first 2 rows are for various AUs of purple. The 3rd row is for Purple's own OCs, called "Colors". Hover for info


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First drawing

Minecraft skin

Kirbyderb on Tumblr
